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Mr. X

Megan, you disappeared off the face of the Earth and abandoned James Dashner and all of your loyal readers. What happened?

Well, faithful audience, I am not entirely sure what happened to me, but I blame Mr. X and maybe you should too.

It seems like every spring or pre-spring time speeds up for me and I move through the world in slow motion. I get nothing done but the world races around without me. Days pass, then weeks pass, and it is months later and I am still sitting on the spot on the couch.

It isn’t like I completely abandoned my life, but I definitely did not accomplish everything I wanted to for James Dashner month.  See after I asked my social life to calm down, well it kind of listened and I guess I wasn’t prepared for that so I started feeling really bored and set out to find my social life again.  I really want to thank all the great contributors to James Dashner Month. They really help the illusion that James Dashner is worthwhile in some way. I hope he wasn’t paying attention though cause he might go and get big headed.

Please check out my guest posts if you haven’t. I know my contributors put a lot of time into them.
Pussreboots Guest Post – Exploring the Maze
Carrie’s Guest Post – James Dashner and the Male Reader
Guest Review of The Maze Runner from The Calico Critic
Reasons Why – James Dashner Month Day 8
James Dashner Month – Day 4 – Guest Review

Then head on over to their blogs and say, thanks for your genius.
Books and Movies
Chick Loves Lit
Puss Reboots
The Calico Critic

Then head to James Dashner’s blog and say, thanks for your stupidity.

make-good-silhouette-200X200 Then ask Mr. X why he was bored by my blog when the whole month was dedicated to James Dashner and it didn’t make any sense because he didn’t really know who James was and he didn’t really care. And who is Mr. X anyway. Well, the truth is I can’t tell you.  If I could tell you I would be using a name instead of just a letter to indentify this man in my life. Mr. X pulled me into a time warp, made time bend into next Tuesday and made every single one of my readers disappear. Yes, Mr. X is THAT powerful.

Mr. X also single handedly allowed for the publication of each of James Dashner’s books even though he had/s no idea who James is, some how it is only through Mr. X’s existence that Mr. Dashner has achieved even a minimal amount of success.

Okay, the previous paragraph was a complete fabrication.

Also, supposedly, some day Mr. X is going to stop by the blog for a guest post or two.  See, by calling him out on the blog he cannot refuse me. By protecting his identity with an amusing code name, I will fail in creating shame when he doesn’t follow through.

Goodbye my readers!
Until we meet again.


  1. Looking forward to Mr. X's post!

  2. I've been missing you around here & on twitter! :) Looking forward to Mr. X making an appearance!

  3. I am Mr. X! *shady character*

  4. This mystery is killing me.

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