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The Sunday Salon – Little Progress

The Sunday

I have had a dismal reading week. I set out to read a book a day and so far I have finished…none. Oooops. But I do have some exciting book news. I help coordinate and set up the book fair for my daughter’s elementary school and tomorrow we start our BOGO fair! This time we are going with a local book fair company, A+ Book Fairs, and that has been an exciting change having access to some different books than we are used to. It was really fun to open the cases and see a new selection before us and a great variety of bargain books! Here is a selection of some of the books that caught my attention.

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The Witch’s Boy in particular has a really striking cover. I am sure I will be buying a lot more than I expect because the buy one get one free draw is just way too tempting.  We are really excited for the fair to start so we can start sharing these books with the students. What book would you recommend to elementary school kids?

I have been slowly and steadily working through the audio of City of Glass which I may be enjoying more than the previous two books. There is a whole soap opera element that drives me a little crazy, but it is engaging me more than the previous too. Maybe also providing more answers. Have you read this series? What do you like about it?

How was your February reading month? I have read 7 books and I am sort of disappointed with myself. I am trying to enjoy the other parts of my life that are taking more prominence right now, though. For the next week my reading will be slow too because of my work at the book fair.  I read about half of what I was hoping to but I am going to try to make up for that in the later part of March. What book are looking the most forward to reading in March? I am going to try and read Need with Chelsea and I have 1984 for my local book club. I am feeling very overwhelmed by all the books that I want to read. How do you decide what book to read next? I try to read what is due next at the library but all my books are overdue and I am still pretending they aren’t!

Today I am babysitting and probably won’t get much reading done. I am going to try and get one short story read. Do you have too recommend?


  1. Ohmigosh, I JUST GOT The Witch's Boy at a bargain sale on Friday evening! I haven't seen anyone else who has read it! How fun :-) We could read it together!

  2. I couldn't make it past the first 50 pages or so of the first Mortal Instruments book. Nothing in particular grabbed my attention and the writing wasn't to my taste. A few people have encouraged me to try again, so I may at some point.

  3. I'm trying to read all the books in 1001 Children's Books You Must Read Before You Grow Up. Big job. No time for new books right now...

  4. I miss book fairs so much! I can highly recommend The Homeward Bounders. It's a little slow to start but so so very much worth being patient.

  5. All of those books look completely awesome. I've heard of Whirligig but not the others.

    I haven't read the Mortal Instruments series yet, but I have th first two books in the series. I have way too many owned tbr books.

    Also bargin books for the win! I hope March yields more reading for you.


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